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CORBIS 2.5mg Tablet 15's - Our Medi Life

CORBIS 2.5mg Tablet 15’s

Original price was: $16.50.Current price is: $4.10.

About the drug:
Bisoprolol is a beta adrenergic receptor blocker widely used as an antihypertensive medicine. Beta blockers are the drugs that targets beta receptors present mainly in heart, airways, arteries, smooth muscles and kidneys. They decrease the work load of the heart and helps to beat more regularly and controls mild to moderate high blood pressure.
Uses of the drug:
Bisoprolol is used in the treatment of hypertension, chest pain and heart attack. It is often recommended as a secondary prevention of heart attack. It prevents chest pain and improves survival of a heart attack. It relaxes the blood vessels and reduces the blood pressure & heart rate.

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