Multivitamin Syrup
Multivitamin syrup is made with natural herbs that help in multi-vitamins.
Which has been Ayush approved and is known for its excellent results in vitamins.
it contains a group of herbs combined together to provide vitamins.
- Nourishes and strengthens body. Draksha and kharjur nourish the body by supplying essential vitamins and minerals to the body.
- They are rich in nutrients and fulfil any macro or micro deficiency in the body.
- Ashwagandha, shilajeet and gokshura are potent immunomodulaors. They strengthen the immune system and help the body fight against disease causing bacteria.
- Ashwagandha is a potent adaptogen and relieves stress and anxiety. Its phytochemicals, Withanolides strengthen up the muscle mass.
- Harad, baheda, Amla work upon the digestive system to enable the digestive system in absorption of nutrition.
- Marich Pippali sonth boost the metabolism of the body and help person feel energized and active.
- Shatavari and safed musli are very good immunomodulators and antioxidants.
- 5-10 ml two times a day Fresh water or luke warm water
- Pueraria tuberosaVidarikanda 200 mg
- Tribulus terrestrisGoksura50 mg
- Vitis viniferaDraksa 100 mg
- Withania somniferaAsvagandha 200 mg
- Emblica officinalisAmla 150 mg
- Terminalia belericaBahera 150 mg
- Terminalia chebulaHarad 150 mg
- Asparagus adscendensSafed Musli200 mg
- Asparagus racemosusShatavari 200 mg
- Sudhsilajeet shilajeet100 mg
- Sida cordifoliaBala200 mg
- Phoenix sylvestrisKharjura 200 mg
- ZingiberofficinaleSonth 100 mg
- Piper longumPipali 100 mg
- Piper nigrumKalimirch 100 mg
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